Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Designer Typography. Chloe

David Carson, Well known for his use of experimental typography. Carson’s layouts featured distortions or mixes of ‘vernacular’ typefaces and fractured imagery, rendering them almost illegible. “End of print” questioned the role of type in the emergent age of a digital design. By the late eighties he had developed his signature style of “dirty” type and non main stream photography. He would later be dubbed the ‘father of grunge’
Carson’s extensive use of combinations of typography elements and photography led many designers to completely change their work methods and designers from all over the world would base their style on the new ‘standards’ that have distinguished Carson’s work. He took photography and type and manipulated and twisted them together.
Carson experimented with type by doing upside down 5 for S and using 3 for E, often you could hardly read the articles. His influence on the stodgy type world has been like an asteroid from outer space. In 1993 Carson started the “GarageFonts” digital type foundry as a vehicle to distribute the fonts used in Ray Gun magazine.







  1. garage fonts is a handy link to have.
    now i know how hilarious david carson is im going to research him myself

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