Tuesday, May 5, 2009

POST7: STACY 1900-1920

Select a design, a style, a designer or a technology from the period 1900- 1920. Report in 250 words or more with images and links the contribution made to twentieth century graphic design

skeleton telephone, first cubist exhibition,peter behrens builds first steel and glass building and aeg poster jugenstijl, socialist revolution party formed. 'colliers' magazine.edward penfield. 'la baionnette', ' millions', 'every week' figaro illustre', the arcadian', jessie m. king, charles rennie mackintosh, mucha, klimt, moser, hoffman, olbrich, loffler, vienna secession stamps, eckman schmuk, otto eckmann, art nouveau, galle, guimard, mackmurdo, william morris,san francisco earthquake, Fauves movement, Futurism begins, cubism, music halls, first flight by Wright brothers, zeppellin flight, new york subway opened, henry ford model T in production line, colours opalized pinks pantone 5035/ 4675, ballet russe, Fauves used scarlet pantone 199, apple green 584.neo impressionists yellow 128/orange 143/teal 321/periwinkle660/violet 512/rust 704/green 575/fonts franklin gothic/ franklin gothic extra condensed/franklin gothic no.2/bodoni/ bodoni poster italic/ caslon/ caslon italic


armory show introduces modern art to new york / the edwardian era, outbreak of ww1 1914-18, the deer cry- archibald knox- liberty prints, first jazz record issued, russian revolution, stile liberty, leopoldo metlicovitz, odeeon casino posters, schnackenberg, 'jugend' 'das plakat', stockholm olympic posters, bortzell, leete, hassall, multiplex typewriter, underground font, bauhaus, Schlemmer, Schmidt, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Terry-Adler, Theo van Doesburg ,dada. hoch, heartfield, hausmann, manray, grosz, futurism, Informative Functionalism, futurism, Expressionism, Titanic sinks, WW1 begins, suffagette movement, foxtrot,Futurism, Orphism, travel, bobbed hair for women,light green pantone5445/swooning mauve 5015/tans 465/ iridescent colours electric light bulb invented
a few links that may start you off

1 comment:

  1. Would you please do the usual and post my blog from your end please Stacy.......yes, same problem as the other two blogs.
