Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Discuss the graphic design of the time by researching a product, process or person. your post should be approximately 200wds with accompanying images and urls.


leather jackets, workwear, the new look - christian dior, the chinese revolution,penguin book covers, tschichold, abram games, raymond loewry, edward mcknight kauffer, ww11 continues, war posters, ericofon, leica camera, first automatic computer developed in usa in 1944, atomic bomb used, the transitor developed by bell labs, 'saturday evening post', norman rockwell, 'picture post', 'kill the fascist reptile' poster, budapest gasworks posters, konecsni, 7 up posters, rene gruau, Wolfgang Weingart, swiss style, Garamond , us enters ww2, italy and france give women the right to vote, siam changes to thailand, bebop jazz, swing era continues, the andrew sisters, bob hope, first electronic computer, xerography invented, cherry red lipsticks 1925/pink 196/ yellow127olive 455/khaki 4515 navy539/blacktangerine 123/yellow 120/vibrant teal 3265/fuschia 2385/purple2582/true blue 2727 turquoise 306/ gray 422/ dark gray 436 yellow458/orange 472/ mauve 500/ navy 534/ green 5555/fonts monotype lydian, monotype lydian cursive, bernhard modern, park avenue, bernhard tango, beton, cairo, stymie, karnak, cartoon light,


korean war begins, colour tv introduced to usa in 1950, elvis presley first hit in 1956, the birth of cool by miles davis, soviets launch sputnik satellite in 1957, the teenager consumer,coronation of elizabeth2 as queen, fidel castro becomes prime minister of cuba, james dean, univers, swiss/ international style, paul rand, esquire,olivetti- giovanni pintori,phonosuper braun, nikon f , tupperware, 'look', 'vogue', jean carlu, ofen ludin, astral email, savignac, toyko international trade fair 1956, takashi kono, marianne straub warner and son textile, univers 1957, optima 1958, zapf, palantino 1949, melior 1952, recta font1958, novarese, Type Director's Club of New York,ideal family in the suburb image, fonts times new roman, curvinus skyline, pl latin bold, bodoni,futura, futura light,

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