Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chris Nowlan - "To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master" Milton Glaser B.1929

In my opinion the meaning of the Milton Glaser quote To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master is that design is used to communicate a clear opinion, message, or point of view in whatever means possible, by whatever way that it can be designed or thought of.


  1. I agree with Glaser's quote. It goes along with what we were told at the very start of this course - that the best way to produce our work is by using whatever abilities we have at the time. We will always be adding to our knowledge.

  2. Some of the most powerful designs that have caught my eye have not been produced, designed or conceived the 'common' way,

  3. Very straight forward, you basically do everything you can to achieve the perfect result.
