Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Computers are to design as microwaves are to Cooking"

Milton Glaser
Post by Melissa Mackie
"The meaning of Glasers Quote"

 To me the quote is fairly straight forward. Computers are simply a tool to design as microwaves are to cooking. A  design originates from your head, your imagination, the idea, the feeling and the reasoning. As Glaser had put it, a monkey can be taught to use a computer. It is the inventive idea which stems from the mind which creates a DYNAMIC design, not a computer. A computer is simply there to add the finishing touches if the idea of the design calls for it.


  1. you are sitting next to me so out of fear of you brutally wounding me i will ever so nice!
    na just kidding i love it darling!

  2. Your interpretation of Glaser's words is well stated. The tools alone can't convey emotion, the feeling of the mind. These must originate from us - the human factor.

  3. what a great recipe for a design: 1 cup of imagination
    3 tbs of ideas
    20g of feeling
    reasoning to taste
    sift through a designer
    place into computer till ready

  4. Very well interpreted...so true. Its the imagination and emotion which creates a strong relative design....the computer only does what we tell it to do.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. excellent interpretation, Mellisa .
    my interpretation is more simple; it is, what it is. Like these famous quotes ; is the the pope catholic and does the bear sh... in the woods
