Tuesday, April 28, 2009

neville brody quote....by jules

"we are so obsessed with the net and technology that we forget the message...we imagine to be able to do anything, and our software helps us believe we can...but we must move beyond the 'how' to reconsider the 'what' and the 'why'.

neville brody

i feel that here neville is talking about the left-brain/right brain model of productivity....moving beyond the 'how' of the reasoning,rational mind and into the realm of the 'what' and the 'why' of the intuitive mind. for me this brings up the issue of creative freedom and thoughts and ideas that are unfettered by the sobering 'hows' of rational,sensible systems.
to be an artist for me means asking the right questions, so that the creative being can freely manifest unlimited possibilites as answers. so i enjoyed pondering this quote and asking myself as a graphic artist 'what' and 'why'. it made me laugh to also recognise within myself, that when i ask myself 'how' in regards to learning photoshop i feel frustrated! so i was delighted to discover that neville designed the icons above for adobe, and ive moved forward myself in focusing on the 'what' and the 'why' and feeling excited 


  1. jules that pic is sooo cule!
    youre so smart... unlike me :(

  2. What and why, I might start doing a bit of that. Thanks, melissa

  3. Very interesting Jules. Intelligent thought has in recent years been overtaken by the importance placed on technological ability. This needs rethinking and Neville Brody is telling us we have been fooled into thinking we are so clever because technology allows us to do things. His message is that our belief in ourselves is misplaced. We need to start thinking again.

  4. I wonder if, without the software, we would still attempt the designs we attempt.
